The Cave project (2020-1-IT02-KA226-SCH-095188) project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Press Reviews

The Cave project partnership made contacts with web sites focusing on the field of education.
The Cave project was presented to the web masters and a link to the Cave project portal was made so that those who will access the selected web sites can also access, through a direct link, the Cave portal.


Pixel is partner in the CAVE project. Pixel website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users from Universities, Associations, Public bodies, Training Agencies, Schools, participants in the International Conferences on Education and people interested in the seminars/masters visit Pixel website (estimated visits are around 12.000 users each year). They may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project

VRSciT project

The VRSciT project aims to explore new approaches in educational tourism, such as 3D modelling together with 360º immersive VR environments, to build innovative virtual educational scenes. On the web page of the VRSciT project is available a link to the project portal then all the users (partners, lecturers, associated partners and people interested in the project) may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project.

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 5

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 5 is partner in the CAVE project. The school website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. There are many users of the website that may now learn about and benefit from the project.

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 5

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 5 is partner in the CAVE project. The school website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. There are many users of the website that may now learn about and benefit from the project. The second website is hosted on the servers of the local government so it is visited not only by the students, parents and teachers, but also by the general public.

Głos Świdnika newspaper

“Głos Świdnika” is a local newspaper. Its website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the project website. Its website is visited by hundreds of citizens.

EuroEd Website

EuroEd is contractual partner in the CAVE project. EuroEd website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users from Universities, Associations, Public bodies, Training Agencies, Schools, Teachers, Parents, Students, participants in the International Conferences on Education and people interested in our educational services (estimated visits are around 8.000 users each year) can now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project. is a partner website. website provides now information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users are Public bodies, Schools, Teachers; Parents (estimated visits are around 5.000 users each year). They may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project.

Alicuza Falticeni is an associated partner website of the Școala Gimnazială ,,Al. I. Cuza” Fălticeni. This website provides now information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users are Public bodies, Schools, Teachers; Parents (estimated visits are around 6.000 users each year). They may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project.

Cronica de Falticeni

Cronica de Falticeni – Newspaper from Falticeni, Romania. The article was promoted by the Euroed associated partner school, Școala Gimnazială „Al.I.Cuza” Fălticeni. The article has over 900 views.

Szkoła Podstawowa w Krępcu

Szkoła Podstawowa im. Marii Wójcik w Krępcu is a public school. Its website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the project website. Its website is visited by teachers, students, local authorities and educational institutions.

Szkoła Podstawowa w Woli Przybysławskiej

Szkoła Podstawowa w Woli Przybysławskiej is an associated partner in the CAVE project. The school website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. There are lots of users of the website that may now learn about and benefit from the project

VšĮ eMundus

VšĮ eMundus is an associated partner in the CAVE project. eMundus website provides information about the project in Lithuanian and in English, indicating main project details and project website link. Mostly visitors of the website are teachers from Kindergartens and Schools, also the parents. As eMundus implement various educational projects, organize seminars and conferences, the website is known for Public bodies, Training Agencies, Universities (estimated visits are around 4000 users each year). They may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project.

“Teaching Cultural Heritage with Digital Technologies” eTwinning project

TwinSpace of the eTwinning project entitled “Teaching Cultural Heritage with Digital Technologies”. Its website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the project website. The website is visited by teachers, students of the participating countries.

CISL Scuola

Cisl Scuola website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users are teachers and school staff. Etimated users are 70.000 - 120.000 (single visitors) each month.

Kaunas School-Kindergarten “Šviesa”

Associated partner Kaunas School-Kindergarten “Šviesa” is a general education state school providing pre-school and primary education, as well a wide and high-quality selection of non-formal education programs. The activities of the school "Šviesa" are organized on the model of the Šviesa community cooperation. The school has 300 children and 35 teachers. School "Šviesa" is an experiential center. The school participates in the project "Informatics in primary education" where school teachers create and test the content of informatics lessons. From the first grade onwards, we use electronic textbooks, assignments, and various presentations. 2nd grade students improve their digital skills in "Robotics" classes, 3rd and 4th grades students improve their digital skills in computer science classes.

Kauno Juozo Grušo meno gimnazija

Associated partner Kaunas Juozas Grusas Art Gymnasium. 1200 students, aged 7-19, study at the gymnasium. The gymnasium implements the programmes of primary, basic and secondary education as well as the programme of non-formal education of Art and Technologies. The gymnasium is located in the dormitory district of Kaunas City. The computerized system of the internal audit, IQESonline, is used for the assessment of the quality of the gymnasium activities. Also, the quality of students’ achievements is evaluated by the National Examination Centre by implementing standardized tests for students’ achievements in the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th forms as well as the exams of basic and secondary education. Students’ achievements outside the school are constantly analyzed and evaluated.

Raseinių Šaltinio progimnazija

Associated partner Raseiniai Saltinis Progymnasium aims to provide pre-school, primary, education of the first part of the basic education program, to develop an independent, responsible person who is willing and able to learn for life, to improve his / her abilities, to help him / her acquire personal, civic and social cultural competencies for further education, establishment in the world of work, professional activity, creative participation in the civic, cultural and social life of the country. The school has more than 600 pupils between the ages of 6 and 15. The progymnasium has 83 employees. Students are educated by 53 highly qualified teachers.

LieDM association

Lithuanian Association of Distance and e-Learning (LieDM association) is a volunteer organization which unites all Lithuanian science, study, and education institutions which implement distance teaching and learning. It was created in January 2010 based on agreements of the member institutions. The association maintains and develops the activities of LieDM network, makes use of its possibilities and services that are implemented centrally. At the moment (04/2022) LieDM association consists of 44 institutions. LieDM association in CAVE project’s associated partner.

CISL Scuola Piemonte

Cisl scuola Piemonte is a specific sector of Cisl Scuola. The website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users from Teachers, Associations, Schools, Press, other school trade unions

Irsef - Irfed

Irsef irfed is an Institute for the Training of School Personnel, accredited by the Ministry of Education. The website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users from Teachers, Associations, Public bodies, Schools.

CISL Scuola Catania

Cisl scuola Catania is a sector of Cisl Scuola The website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users from Teachers, Associations, Public bodies, Schools, Press

CISL Scuola Sicilia

Cisl scuola Sicilia is a sector of Cisl Scuola The website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users from Teachers, Associations, Public bodies, Schools, Press

CISL Scuola Torino

Cisl scuola Torino is a sector of Cisl Scuola The website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users from Teachers, Associations, Public bodies, Schools, Press

Junta de Andalucia

The Junta de Andalucía is the institution that manages and supports the government of our autonomous community. In its space dedicated to education, specifically to the front page, we have introduced the link.

Revista Andalucia Educativa

The Junta de Andalucía is the institution that manages and supports the government of our autonomous community. In its space dedicated to education, specifically to the digital news paper, we have introduced the link.

USIE website

The Union Sindical de Inspectores de Educación, USIE, is the professional union of education inspectors, offering its members: professional advice, legal defense, information and specific training (face-to-face and distance). USIE carries out its activities in order to defend the professional rights of education inspectors and to create a model of educational inspection characterized by its professionalism, qualification and professional independence.


The objective of the BiMo project is, with the help of secondary school headmasters and teachers, to deepen the views, impressions and needs of the parents in monolingual societies with implemented bilingual education programmes, and to establish synergies from societies with greater experience in everyday bilingualism and bilingual education programmes in a foreign language.

Anthropocene Project

The Anthropocene project aims at preparing the European youth to new environment challenges brought about by two converging accelerations: an economic and a digital one, which are creating a new environment they need to be prepared to. Therefore, the project aims to help prepare young people to the new environment awaiting them, in three steps: Studying how political, societal and educational spheres address these challenges; Raising awareness in the educational sector Offering resources to make teachers work easier and more optimal in a logic of European transferability. Anthropocene project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project

CAMPS Project

The CAMPS project intends to develop a greater and sound awareness of the importance of CLIL methodology for primary schools, as language studies have been increasingly proving that foreign languages can be more easily learned at a younger age, and so it seems to be for foreign languages learned/taught through CLIL methodology. The specific aims of the project are: Provide primary school teachers with reliable yet accessible methodological training that can supply knowledge and experience with the CLIL so that it will be possible to create simple disciplinary input in English Provide teachers with easy and effective access to CLIL base teaching tools, taking the form of CLIL based Video lessons in English focusing on Arts and Music, to be used in their everyday teaching practices Promote the insertion of CLIL methodology at the primary school level by providing exemplary and motivational case studies CAMPS project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project

Clil 4 Steam Project

The C4S project aims at combining the study of CLIL and STEAM. Specific objectives of the project are: Provide teachers using CLIL method with necessary knowledge and skills to create their own materials Provide teachers and students with high quality and highly transferable CLIL based teaching materials focusing on STEAM curricula Creating a community of practice through which teachers and educators could share their CLIL materials and tips for teaching STEAM in a foreign language. Clil 4 Steam project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project


The Fiction project has the aim to provide science teachers with the skills to use digital tools and strategies for teaching at secondary school level. CAVE project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project

I Have Rights Project

Provide secondary school teachers with the skills to deal with multicultural classrooms through the acquisition of intercultural competences based on the understanding of human rights and non-discrimination values. I Have Rights project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project

KeyCode Project

The Key-Code aims to expand the curricula of secondary schools with educational experiences that enhance the key competences of pupils based on empathy, active citizenship and EU values. For the purpose Key-Code aims to develop, test and disseminate active learning instruments that enhance three categories of preadolescents’ (11 - 16 years) key competencies: Interpersonal skills based on empathy; Active EU citizenship; Cultural awareness concerning the EU values. KeyCode project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project

Learning for Life Project

The learning for life by PBL projects, aims to promote new education methodology, such as Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Multiple Intelligences (MI). And also developing skills required in the present and future society. The core subjects of the projects will be Maths, Science and Literacy. Learning for Life project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project

Off Book Project

The aim of the OFF-Book project is to promote school inclusiveness and the mutual understanding among different cultures as a strategic aim to contribute to the prevention of early school leaving. The innovative element of the project is the introduction of education through performing arts and drama theatre in particular without applying any judgmental approach. Off Book project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project

Parsifal, the Legends Researcher

The objective of the Parsifal project (2018-1-PL01-KA201-050865) is to use ICT to allow students to improve literacy through an aware knowledge of the cultural heritage surrounding them, at the same time carrying out a comparative analysis with the cultural heritage of other European areas. Parsifal, the Legends Researcher project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project

Pathways through Religions Project

The aims of the Pathway through Religions project are: To promote awareness of religions and foster a sense of mutual tolerance To provide secondary school teachers with the competences to deal with multi-religious classes To develop students’ social, civic and intercultural competences and prevent discriminating behaviours Pathways to Religions project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project

Smild Project

The project’s main objectives are to provide math teachers with: Protocols to determine the most appropriate solutions for the students with Learning Disabilities in Math Reliable, easy to use and operative set of references materials and information to identify and tackle underachievement in Math. Smild project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project


The aims of the Tiramisu project are: To improve skills and competences of school teachers on First Aid and health and safety To test at EU level an innovative transnational training course on First Aid and health and safety. Tiramisu project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project

CUT Project

The CUT! project will target directly pre-adolescent boys and girls in school, as they are the best target group to prevent at an early stage alcohol abuse and other risky behaviours. At the same time, parents, educators and psychological support staff are also directly targeted as they represent the two actors mainly involved in the growth and education of young people between 11-14. Specific objectives include: - Raise awareness on the issue of alcohol abuse - Prevent risky behaviours eventually leading to alcohol abuse - Develop response strategies to tackle the issue of alcohol abuse among pre-adolescents CUT project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project

Go Green Project

The project aims at redefining disciplinary programs and educational methods through cooperation between the different institutions of education and providing theoretical-methodological schemes which are innovative and closer to the analyzed realities as well as virtuous models of action which will enhance environmental issues. The specific aims of the project are: Contribute to promoting the awareness of schools communities about environmental issues and sustainable development through the promotion of a transdisciplinary approach and problem-based learning. Implementing, experimenting, validating, supporting, and disseminating training models linked to the environment and to more aware management and consumption of natural resources. Enhance the contribution that the school education system can give to the environmental sustainability. Go Green project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project

IDEAS Project

The main objective of the project is making secondary school teachers prepared to cope in the short / medium term with the new ways of learning, teaching and communicating with students at risk of exclusion whose situation has been further endangered by COVID19 emergency and in the longer term to develop an aware capacity to use innovative ICT based methodologies guaranteeing full access and equal opportunities to learn to all students. IDEAS project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project

Sapienza Universita‘ di Roma

Dipartimento di Pianificazione, Design, Tecnologia dell’Architettura (PDTA), Sapienza Università di Roma, is partner in the CAVE project. PDTA website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users from Universities, Associations, Public bodies, Training Agencies, students, researchers, professors, and people interested in the seminars/masters visit PDTA website. They may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project.

Școala Primară ”Gheorghe Asachi” Iași

Școala Primară ”Gheorghe Asachi” Iași is an associated partner. This website provides now information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users are Public bodies, Schools, Teachers; Parents (estimated visits are around 3.000 users each year). They may now share the CAVE project.

Digizen srl

Digizen srl), Sapienza Università di Roma, is associated partner in the CAVE project. The Facobbok page of Digizen provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users from citizens, enterprises, Associations, Public bodies, Training Agencies, students, researchers, professors, and people visit social page of Digizen. They may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project.

Osservatorio Mediamonitor Minori, sapienza Università di Roma

Osservatorio Mediamonitor minori, Sapienza Università di Roma, is a research centre focused on the relationship among children and digital media. Osservatorio Mediamonitor minori Facebook page provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users from Universities, Associations, cooperative, Research centres,Public bodies, Training Agencies, students, researchers, professors and people interested in the seminars/masters visit the facebook page. They may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project.

MOOC group facebook

MOOC group is a public gruop of educators and teachers, interested in the digital education and digital literacy topic. MOOC Facebook page provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users from schools, Associations, cooperatives, ,Public bodies, Training Agencies, students, researchers, professors and people interested in the digital education visit the facebook page. They may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project.

Plurilingualism Section - USIE

The Junta de Andalucía is the institution that manages and supports the government of our autonomous community. In its space dedicated to education, specifically to multilingualism, we have introduced the link.

CEIP Profesor Tierno Galván

CEIP Profesor Tierno Galván is an Educational centre where inclusion is the fundamental pillar. 40 teachers and 416 pupils with their parents are the estimated visitors to the website, apart from organizations working with them.

CPR Plasencia

CPR Plasencia is an Educational centre that provides educational resources and ongoing training to schools in the district of Plasencia (Cáceres, Spain). Teachers from more than 15 Secondary schools, 50 primary schools, Language schools, Music Schools, Adult Education schools and Kindergarten participate in the activities organised by this Centre

EYDP Project

The “Early Years Digital Portfolio” EYDP project has the aim to create a more effective and transparent communication pattern among childhood education and care systems and families with the purpose to document, evaluate and assess the progress of each child according to a holistic view of the child's development and learning.


The EDUMAT+ project has the aim to provide teaching and educational methodological support to teachers for teaching coding and STEAM in primary school; use coding and STEAM as an innovative tool to support and implement the teaching of humanities and explore the activation of digital education paths for primary schools in order to explore selected topics of the 2030 agenda and Humanities. The EduMat website provides information about the CAVE project together with a direct link to its Portal. EduMat users may now learn about and benefit from the CAVE project.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

The Cave project | Copyright 2022